Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Grey and pink wristlet... too, cute!

I love grey in the winter... well, not the sky, but isn't that a different spelling? I love grey sweaters, grey flannels, grey long sleeved t-shirts and I really love grey with PINK! It just perks it up a notch, you know? Then again, pink perks up anything--you should see my perky-pink sweet friend Amy!
So this little wristlet, sans the bangle I'll add later, has a velvet baby pink ribbon tied in a bow, along with a silver pendant that offers a little touch of pink on the flowers. How delicate can I get! I've shown the sweet brocade on the inside which is a silk fabric in off-white with a subtle floral design.

I love this one.... someone should buy it before I keep it! It's only $40!!


  1. Love this! So....when can I inspire you to etsy too?? Mailey and I want to come very soon. She asks all the time, now who am I named after? xo J

  2. I'm sure that will come--Etsy that is:) And, I would love nothing more than to see you and my namesake!!! You know, your pins would look so cute on my purses!!!
